Tuesday, November 18, 2008

fall leaves fall

We only have two little trees but look at all the leaves.
Thank goodness for my boys. K had so much fun hangin out with dad doing work.
ok maybe not doing work but he loved jumping in the leaves

Friday, November 14, 2008

I got tagged......

I have never done one but here it goes

5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1. I was a senior in high school
2.dancing on the dance company
3.driving my parents crazy
4.buying my first car a toyota paseo
5. working at target

5 things on my to-do list today
1. kadens parent teacher conference
2. babysit asher
3. visit marci and the twins
4. laundry
5. mop the kitchen floor

5 snacks I enjoy
1. carmel popcorn
2. nachos
3. pretzels
4. dads hot chocolate
5. dads doughnuts

5 things I would do if i was a millionaire
1. pay of all my debt
2. travel the world
3. buy a new house
4. invest it in something
5. save for my kids school

5 places I have lived
1. clearfield,ut
2. phoenix,az
3. ogden,ut
4. kaysville,ut
5. dallas,tx

5 jobs i have had
1. mom of the two bests boys ever
2. nanny
3. cashier
4. server
5. lifegaurd

4 things I am passionate about
1. justin
2. family
3. home
4. life

4 things I say often
1. o my gosh
2. im warning you
3. no way
4. I love you

4 things I want to do before I die
1. go back to school and get my degree
2. raise two great boys
3. see the world
4. learn as much as I can

4 things i want/need
1.all new kitchen appliances
2.hot tub im freezing
3. a car that seats 7 again
4. my kids to go to bed

4 places I want to see/ visit
1. anywhere warm with a beach
2. italy
3. england
4. ireland

4 tv shows I can't live without
1. prison break
2. 24 I can't wait for it to be on this month
3. so you think you can dance
4. the mentalist

4 things you don't know about me
1. I have a huge fear of mice
2.I hate to be alone at night
3. I have a huge fear of blood
4. I met justin while driving down the freeway

5 people I tag
4. liz

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Kaden turned six on November 4th. He is getting so big and such a great little kid. Kaden has wanted a party at classic fun center and a transformer cake for a year and so we did it. Everyone had so much fun there was skating and video games and slides and a bunch of blow up jumping toys.
Madison is one of Kadens best friends she was are old neighbor before we moved to Arizona. Kaden was just Two when he started playing with her.

Kaden was so excited to get the lego Indiana Jones game for his new DS. Thanks aunt Kathleen.

They have a Deal or no Deal game there and k won 100 tickets playing and was so excited.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

here they are Abbie and Bella they are so cute. Isaac is so excited for them
Abigayle and Isabella were born Thursday Nov 6

Abbie was 5pds 2oz and Bella was 5pds. They are so cute and marci is doing great.

We are so excited to have girls around.

Marci with her baby girls. congrats Maric

Me with my sweet new nieces. I think abbie is on the left and bella on my right

Grandma is so excited to finally have baby girls

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Kaden was obi wan kanobi and karter was darthvador this year. They were so excited to go trick or treating this was the best shot I could get. Justin left work early this year and made really yummy chili but it ended up being way to spicy for the kids. We had Maric, Jason and Isaac over and Kathleen, Dan and Zack too. Karter had fun for a little bit but some of the costumes he saw made him pretty nervous so we went back and Just took the big boys out to finish the trick or treating they did not come back till there orange pumkins were full to the top.