Friday, September 19, 2008

Vote for Marci

Hey everyone my sister Marci is having twin girls in November. She entered a baby bump contest on 97.1 zht to win a nursery from Babinskis. She needs your help go to and vote for # 55 After you vote you have to check your email and verify your vote for it to be counted. You can vote up till sept 25 so hurry and go vote it only takes a minute:)


Kat said...

We voted! Yay marci!;)

Amber said...

O yay...tell her I said congrats and good luck! I am so happy for her and Jason! Im a lil baby hungry (but not enough to have one) so Im a lil envious! We voted!

Byron Events said...

Tell her congrats! Thats totally awesome she is having twins! I don't envy having 2 babies at once, I kinda of do now - 2 under 2, but its great. I voted 2 times!